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How to clean my engagement ring and diamond jewellery
Mar 31, 2023
Engagement Rings
How to clean my engagement ring and diamond jewellery

Here are some Novita tips to help you with cleaning your Diamond engagement ring and the jewellery. This post will cover a range from the easiest to the most complicated ways to go about it.

Dirty looking jewellery- why?

There are many reasons why it occurs but It mainly happens because diamonds tend to attract oil and grease that comes from hand creams, body lotions, or moisturisers, and sunscreens to name a few. The oils and other ingredients in those products will create a layer of grease and deposits taking away the shininess and sparkle of your jewellery, especially the diamonds. 

The most practical and easiest way to clean your jewellery and diamond ring.

 Our Novita top tip is the easiest and the most convenient way we have found to clean your diamond ring and jewellery is to do it while washing your dishes at home. Use the softest toothbrush you can find, fill a cup with warm water adding a dash or two of dishwashing liquid to it. Using a soft toothbrush gently clean your jewellery. Especially the spot underneath the diamond - give it a good but gentle brush. Depending on how dirty it is, it might take from 10-40 seconds of brushing.

Tip: Providing you clean it gently to avoid leaving scratches, you can clean it as much as you want.

Tip: If there is a significant amount of dirt because you haven´t cleaned your jewellery for a while, it is not a problem. Leave it in boiling water with some dishwashing liquid for 5 minutes before brushing it.

How to clean my engagement ring and diamond jewellery

Ultrasonic cleaning.

This requires an ultrasonic cleaning machine so is not the most convenient cleaning method. We´ll cover different options here and explain how it works.

The ultrasonic machine works by vibrating at a high frequency while your jewellery is subdued in water. These vibrations start breaking down any residues that have built up over time. This type of machine makes a noise that could be quite irritable to some people. 

Option 1

Buy yourself an ultrasonic machine for roughly $40 + posting. It´s extremely easy to use and is quite long-lasting. It only needs water and a bit of dishwashing liquid. Yet, we do recommend getting familiar with the instruction for use.

Option 2

Visit a local jeweller with your jewellery. You can find places where it´s free of charge.

Tip: Any simple ultrasonic machine will be effective enough.
Tip: For a better result always use a dash or two of a dishwashing detergent.
Tip: Do not use an ultrasonic machine to clean your watch as the ultrasonic vibrations can damage it.